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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why classical homeopathy?
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  • What is modern homeopathy?
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  • How does a Homeopath make a diagnosis?
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  • Is homeopathy safe?
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  • Is classical homeopathy also safe for children?
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  • Is homeopathic treatment effective?
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  • I am suffering from (name of a diagnosis like e.g. asthma, rheumatism, migraine) - is classical homeopathy something for me?
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  • When I am pregnant, can I take homeopathic remedies?
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  • Is it possible to treat animals with homeopathy?
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  • I am suffering from and take conventional medicine my GP has prescribed. Can I start a homeopathic treatment?
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  • Are homeopathic remedies not just placebo?
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  • How do I store homeopathic remedies?
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  • How do I take homeopathic remedies?
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  • Which reactions can I expect after intake of a homeopathic remedy?
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  • Where can I buy homeopathic remedies in Denmark?
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  • Is classical homeopathy the same as herbal medicine?
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  • Er klassisk homøopati det samme som Bachs Blomstermedicin?
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  • Is classical homeopathy the same as biopati?
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Why classical homeopathy?
The expression classical homeopathy is used to differentiate the original homeopathy according to the principles of Dr. Hahnemann from other ways of treatment. Classical homeopaths:
  • Use homeopathic remedies according to the law of similar based on an elaborate first interview.
  • Chose a homeopathic remedy after they have got a picture of the whole patient - physically and mentally/emotionally.
  • give only one remedy at a time " Use homeopathic remedies that have been proven on healthy persons.
  • In the individually appropriate potency and in the lowest possible dose
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What is modern homeopathy?
It is my impression, that there is some kind of confusion of ideas here:
Modern classical homeopathy is a term that is sometimes used as a designation for the growing interest for homeopathy during the 70s and 80s, which amongst others is linked to the Greek homeopath Georges Vithoulkas, who got the alternative Nobel price in 1996 for his work.
This shouldn't be confused with the branch of homeopathy, which is characterised by the use of compound remedies. Already in Hahnemann's time there were practitioners, who mixed different homeopathic remedies and used them according to a diagnose or to stimulate a special organ in the body. That means that their choice of remedy isn't based on a holistic approach, but on a diagnosis just like in conventional medicine. Here remedies often are mixed to have an effect on a certain organ. These mixtures are not proven on healthy people, and they are prescribed in frequent doses in low potencies, that often only will have an effect on the physical level. The frequent repetition in a long time though, can cause undesirable effects.
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How does a Homeopath make a diagnosis?
Most of our patients have been through a long course of treatment with their GP or Specialists.
That's why they are bringing with them the diagnosis the conventional medicine has given them. If a patient comes directly to me, I sometimes will ask him to make an appointment with his doctor in order to check his condition.
My diagnosis as a homeopath is different from allopathic diagnosis. It is based on a two hour consultation with my patient. In the conversation, we begin by talking about the actual symptoms and they are explored and deepened in a profound way. Afterwards we look at other complaints or diseases that the patient might have had during his life, his lifestyle, habits and other general information that concern his life. If I want to find a person's homeopathic remedy, the remedy that has produced the most similar symptoms in a healthy person, I have to get to know my patient very well on many areas of his life. The remedy I decide on as a homeopath is my diagnosis: the person is (Name of a homeopathic remedy) condition and needs exactly this remedy to be able to get well again.
Here is an example: Five people with the conventional diagnosis of migraine will probably get five different remedies from a homeopath, whereas five with different conventional diagnosis could get the same remedy of a homeopath because the whole picture of their symptoms fits exactly on this remedy.
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Is homeopathy safe?
Yes, Classical Homeopathy is one of the safest forms of treatments available because the active ingredients are present in extremely low concentration.
Homeopathy is renowned as being safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive. Homeopathic remedies are prepared in laboratories with high standards of quality.
Homeopathy, like many conventional tablets and pillules, has small amounts of lactose so patients who are lactose intolerant should take care when using these products.
As with all conditions treated over the counter, patients should contact a professional homeopath if their symptoms persist or deteriorate
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Is classical homeopathy also safe for children??
Yes, even babies can take them safely. Dissolve the remedy in a small amount of water or crush between two spoons.
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Is homeopathic treatment effective?
Since the early nineteenth century homeopathy has proved to be effective for many millions of people worldwide. It has often been used successfully where other forms for medicine have failed. In years that are more recent medical journals have published positive reports of the results of scientific research into homeopathy.
See also under links - Europe: An Overview of Positive Homeopathy Research and Surveys
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I am suffering from - (name of a diagnosis like e.g.. asthma, rheumatism, migraine) - is classical homeopathy something for me?
This is probably the most frequent questions I get. That is very understandable: of course it is most important to find out, if a method of treatment is appropriate for my illness.
My answer is mostly: yes. Classical homeopathy is the appropriate method of treatment for acute and chronic conditions, for children and grown ups and in physical and emotional/mental problems.
The essence is: homeopaths are treating the individual human being in all its aspects. A medicine chooses individually according to the unique "picture" that shows after profound interviews. That means that we do not have medicines for a diagnosis but for individual people.
See the answer to the question "How does a homeopath make a diagnosis" as well.
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When I am pregnant, can I take homeopathic remedies?
It is generally considered safe to take homeopathic medicines whilst pregnant, they should only be taken on the advice of the patient's homeopath.
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Is it possible to treat animals with homeopathy?
Homeopathy is as effective for animals as it is for humans. Many people treat their pets homoeopathically and there is an increasing number of Veterinary Surgeons practising homeopathy, even in Denmark. Both small animals and animals on farms are treated. The European Homeopathic Organization ECCH has made a report about the homeopathic treatment of animals in Europe that you can read at the following website: Get it here
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I am suffering from XX and take conventional medicine my GP has prescribed. Can I start a homeopathic treatment?
Yes, in most cases you can start with homeopathic treatment while you take allopathic medicine. It is important for your homeopath to know what medicine you take and what others therapies you have chosen and what effects they have on you.
I will adjust my choice of potency of your homeopathic remedy to the fact, that there also are other medical influences. It is my experience, that there is often the possibility to talk to your doctor about reducing the dose of your medication or even to try to stop the medication with your doctor's support when the homeopathic treatment is successful.
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Are homeopathic remedies not just placebo?
No. Homeopathic remedies are made by a repetitive diluting and shaking process called potentisation. If you give this homeopathic remedy to a group of healthy person, who does not know, what they get, the participants will react by producing physical and mental-emotional changes of their condition that are specific for this remedy. Given to a patient who shows similar symptoms, the remedy might heal his complaints. Homeopathic remedies work for small children and animals, which means, that their effect is not a question of believing.
A placebo is a neutral "fake remedy" that can have an effect by believing in its effect, which means it works psychologically. Placebos do often only have a short lasting effect. The effect of the correct homeopathic remedy is long lasting.
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How do I store homeopathic remedies?
All homeopathic remedies should be stored in their original package. If you spill some pills, you should´t put them back into the original package. . Keep Homeopathic remedies from strong odours like peppermint oil and other ethereal oils, perfume, menthol and camphor.
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How do I take homeopathic remedies?
It is important that you follow the instructions you get concerning dosage and repetition of dosage.
Do not take Homeopathic remedies in connection with eating or drinking and not directly before or after tooth brushing or smoking.
They should be pit directly into the mouth under the tongue avoiding touching the pillules with your hands. The pillules are supposed to dissolve in your mouth where they are absorbed by the mucous membrane.
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Which reactions can I expect after intake of a homeopathic remedy
Many patients experience a slight aggravation of symptoms after intake of the homeopathic remedy. This is mostly a positive sign for the fact that the self-healing powers of the organism are starting to work. If you have questions concerning reactions after taking a homeopathic remedy, contact your homeopath.
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Where can I buy homeopathic remedies in Denmark?
Unlike many other countries, you cannot buy homeopathic single remedies in Danish pharmacies.
The classical homeopaths do not sell homeopathic remedies, but their treatment includes normally the hand out of one dose of the homeopathic remedy, that the homeopath chose individually for the patient.
You can buy homeopathic remedies via Internet.
See - Links, Homoeopathic remedies - click here
We recommend that you only take homeopathic medicines as agreed with your homeopath or after you had a thorough introduction to the use of an acute homeopathic remedy kit.
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Is classical homeopathy the same as herbal medicine
No. Although many homeopathic remedies are made of plants there are as many made of minerals or animal substances.
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Is classical homeopathy the same as Bach Flower remedies?
No. Bach Flower remedies are a system of treatment based on 38 flower remedies. They are made in a very different way than homeopathic remedies.
Whereas over 3000 homeopathic remedies made of plants, minerals and animal substance are potentised, Bach Flowers are put into well water and exposed to direct sunshine. Bach Flower remedies are mostly used for emotional conditions.
Homeopathy treats the whole person in its physical and mental-emotional aspects.
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Is classical homeopathy the same as Biopati?
No. Classical homeopathy is the complex method of medical treatment, which was developed by the German medical doctor and chemist Samuel Hahnemann 200 years ago. It treats the whole person, physically, mentally and emotionally with the most appropriate individual homeopathic remedy in a minimal dose.
The homeopathic remedy is chosen according to the law of similar; it is proven on healthy people and potentised. One remedy at a time is prescribed in a minimal dose. Biopati is a mixture of different naturopathic methods including diet, vitamin and mineral supplements and immune therapy.
Homeopathic compound remedies are used to stimulate single organs. Compound remedies are normally not proven on healthy people and they are given in low potencies that are repeated often. If the compound remedies are prescribed over a long period, undesirable reactions are possible.
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